Trouble on the horizon today, as believers in the flat-Earth theory
protested outside the National Air and Space Museum.
The Earth's not round! It is flat!
We are here to protest that!
My God, this flat-Earth nonsense.
Why do conspiracies keep getting stupider?
If they only knew the obvious truth.
The Earth isn't flat. It's hollow
and filled with mole people, sea monsters, and that family from Land of the Lost.
They don't know about the mole people?
This is what happens when schools cut science funding.
You fail me again, and I find out where your family lives.
-Florists, am I right?
Thank God my mom's wedding is tonight.
I'm so sick of planning this thing.
Oh, I love weddings.
They're a celebration of two souls who got sick of dating apps and settled.
That's the kicker. My mom is getting married to herself.
Oh, that's two Tamikos on the invite.
I just thought your mom was a lesbian and I was racist.
My mom marrying herself
is just another dramatic stunt to piss off my dad.
That's why I've been working on an active cover-up.
My dad finds out about this wedding, it'll be total chaos.
Well, the rest of us are stoked for a cruise under the stars
on J.R.'s super-yacht.
Please, Brett, mega-yacht. We have an onboard horse track.
And I volunteer to be security.
I spent my own wedding doing cavity searches of suspicious guests.
Turns out we didn't even need a registry.
See, Reagan? Weddings are magical.
Stop worrying about your parents and have some fun.
Fun? You have no idea what my parents are capable of.
One of their arguments had a ripple effect that caused the LA riots.
I just need to get through this,
'cause as soon as we re-dock, I'm on the next flight to Bora-Bora.
Old Reagorino's gonna lay on a beach
and enjoy having blood pressure in the recommended range.
Brett, a word.
Despite my sunny demeanor, I am not doing this for fun.
My yacht is a money pit.
The maintenance costs are about to drag me down into the…
-No, J.R. Don't say that. No!
My plan is to sell it to one of the fat cats at the wedding,
so I need you to stoke the fires
by posing as a billionaire who's interested in buying it.
A solo mission?
Yes. And if you pull this off,
I will give you an enthusiastic "attaboy."
J.R., that… that's too much.
Anchors up at 4 p.m., guys. Don't be late.
Everything needs to be perfect.
Oh, you need a massage.
-Oh, her mind! The rage! The terror!
Oh, we live on the edge of a knife! This wedding could doom us all!
BT-dubs, if anyone needs it, I know how to do a bow tie.
I saw your protest on the news.
You really showed those globalists who's boss.
After years of being ridiculed for our beliefs,
it's so nice to have someone on our side that's a respected scientist
and not just a respected NBA player.
Yeah, I'm choking on respect.
Oh man, don't leave the house. It's really coming down out there.
I got us groceries so we can stay inside all weekend.
Reagan, meet the DC chapter of the Flat Earth Society.
They, uh, haven't seen a girl in a while.
Why are you in a chat room with a bunch of flat-earthers?
A few years back, I made a bet with J.R.
there was no idea so dumb that people couldn't be made to believe it.
So I spread the flat-Earth theory, and it worked too well.
Now I just egg them on to piss off J.R.
Well, that sounds like a fun distraction for the next 72 hours.
Oh, an overnight mission?
Oh my goodness, looks like work all weekend for me.
You stay here and get cozy. Okay, bye!
So as I was saying,
the true shape of the Earth can be seen in this secret documentary,
Bruce Almighty.
-Oh, yeah, of course. -Oh!
All right, he bought the fake storm, boys, so he's not going anywhere.
All clear. We intercepted the wedding invitation.
Enjoy your mom's big day.
Enjoy it?
Welcome, everyone.
Me and I thank you all so much for coming.
Mom, I need you upstairs in 20.
Darling, must you wear this hideous headset?
The energy of the day is joy, not fast-food drive-through.
Mom, I'm basically at work here. I need to stay on point.
Just promise me you'll let go and live a little.
I'm not just doing this for me.
You're not just marrying yourself for yourself?
I'm doing it for you too, darling.
To show you how much better life can be when you serve yourself.
Anyway, serve our guests.
-Open your bags. -Nothing bad in here.
Just tons of illegal drugs.
No problem, buddy.
No! Oh God! No!
Oh my God, I love you guys.
Protocol is protocol. This is a clean event.
Uh, no worries.
I'm as fun clean as I am wasted, uh, just a little different.
Huh, I've never seen you sober.
This should be either interesting or profoundly uninteresting.
Either way, it's gonna be interesting!
-Put the helium down.
Hey! Hey!
Excuse me, sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to step aside.
Hey, buddy, I do
the vaguely threatening requests around here.
Glenn, I hired my own security.
With all these VIPs around,
I… I needed someone in peak form.
What do you mean, "peak form"?
See? I just took out a waiter from 30 feet.
I'm combat-ready.
Why don't you enjoy the party
and treat yourself to a bucket of raw shrimp?
The SS Atlas Shrugged
is the yacht that made Bernie Sanders vomit on live TV.
But I find one onboard vineyard limiting, so I'm thinking of selling the old gal.
You know, every month…
Color me intrigued.
-Charmed to meet you all.
I'm Joffrey Game of Thrones, and these are my monocles.
Brett, what are you doing?
I told you to look like a billionaire, not Mr. Peanut.
I'm helping you sell the yacht. I did a lot of character work.
I'm a spoiled prince
whose mom and dad are actually brother and sister.
Stop it! Now, get out of that ridiculous costume
before you embarrass me in front of--
Same-day delivery.
Jeff Bezos.
The richest man in the world.
-What do you think of my yacht? -Well, it's--
Too expensive for you, I imagine.
You aren't wearing any monocles at all.
Now, I'm off to admire the servant-thrashing quarters.
Wait, your monocle hoarding intrigues me.
I don't believe we've met, Mr…
Please, call me Joffrey.
Mister is the name of my uncle father.
So, Dr. R, we took your advice,
and we bought a boat to embark on the first ever flat-Earth expedition.
Do you have the coordinates to the Earth's edge?
Sure thing. Latitude 5 degrees, 12 minutes,
longitude 24 degrees, 46 minutes,
and the Powerball is 12.
Sandals? Who's going to Sandals?
No one in this house likes fun.
Flowers, cake,
the smooth jazz grooves of Kenny G?
-My wife is getting remarried!
Hmm. Hey, Harold, did you say you have a boat?
I've forgotten my Dramamine.
-I didn't. -Oh!
Bear-o, serve rappers first, royalty second.
Glenn, anything to report?
-All quiet at the bar area.
I've already lost my dignity. This shrimp is all I have left.
Suck my ass, Flipper!
Okay, I survived being raised by hardcore Christians.
I can handle sobriety.
Did I tell you guys about my RPG tournament in high school?
-It was-- -High-stakes Elder Scrolls.
We know. You're the only person
who tells the same bad story over and over when they're not drunk.
When I'm sober, my anxiety flares up.
Shit! Piss! Boob! Gigi, you look stunning!
The fuck?
Sorry, so does my Tourette's. But at least my OCD is under--
One, two, three, four, four, three, two, one.
We need drugs, now.
-Thank you, Mr., uh, G.
-Everyone, the ceremony is about to begin.
So hot. Looks like the older version of my daughter.
Please, please, be seated.
Hello. Most of you know me as Gwyneth Paltrow,
but I'm also… "Tamiko's best friend."
Mmm. Hugs.
Today, we celebrate all the--
-I object!
Drop the rings and keep your lips where I can see 'em.
Oh God!
Who the hell--
Oh jeez, you brought the flat-earthers?
Dr. Ridley, why are we on a wedding cruise?
Where's the groom? I'm gonna kick his dick in the ass.
Ha! There is no groom, Rand.
I'm marrying myself to make a statement about empowerment.
What the… You just did this to get my attention, didn't you?
God, that's so stupid, it's sexy.
You narcissist,
trying to make my wedding to myself about you.
Wow, I'm starting to see why you're so fucked-up, Reagan.
There are layers.
Dad, you have to leave.
Does this mean that we're not going to the edge of the Earth?
But I wore my best fanny pack.
Okay, sirs, my father tricked you.
He does not think that the Earth is flat. He was just using you to get to our boat.
You lied to us?
But we were so close,
like the North Pole and the South Pole.
Oh, come on.
You don't actually think the Earth is flat, right?
Of course I do.
Why would YouTube lie to me?
"Because that's how they get rich?"
I find that hard to believe.
Look, if you agree to go, then I'll let you in on a secret.
The Earth is not flat, but it is hollow.
We put this cap on it to keep krakens from eating people's boats.
You sphere mongers have been talking down
to us flat-earthers for years.
-Well, no more.
-Oh no!
They got guns?
They're adult men who still use chat rooms.
Of course they have guns.
Don't worry, they're just bluff--
-Oh my God, he just shot the bouncer!
No more communication with the mainland.
Look at me. Look at me.
I'm the captain now.
Hand over your wallets, cell phones, and any spherical objects.
Robots? Aliens? I knew it.
It's the Deep State. My theories are all correct.
I'm not an alien.
I'm a subterranean sentient mushroom from a hive cluster--
Okay, that's a lot to remember, so you're an alien.
Now which one of you Illuminatis
is gonna tell me where the edge of the Earth is?
This is your fault.
Everything you touch comes unglued.
Our marriage, our child…
Of course Reagan's screwed-up.
She spent nine months inside of you.
Fuck! Fuck! If I don't get this situation under control,
I'm gonna miss my flight to Bora-Bora.
-What's going on? -Glenn? Where are you?
In a flesh prison of my own making.
We got boat-jacked by flat-Earth pirates.
They're taking a stand about-- Against--
Uh-- The purpose of the whole movement, it's not really clear,
but they are armed and uninformed!
Uninvited guests?
-Not on my watch.
Okay, there's an air vent above the ballroom.
Make your way to it.
I think we have a shot if we take these guys by surprise.
All right, Glenn,
the best way to prove you're not fat is to kill people.
Let's do this.
-Okay, Glenn, I'm ready. -Copy. Flipper is in the net.
I can't believe I've been taken hostage on my own yacht.
This is unconscionable.
Holding all these people in a hot, stuffy room for hours on end,
making us pee in bottles with no paid sick leave.
This is in no way ironic to me.
Well, I, for one, want to buy your yacht even more
now that it has the rich history of a pirate takeover.
What luxury.
Here's your shit bucket.
I'm having a panic attack. I need to calm myself with calming noises.
Scat, scat, scat! A-ooh, a-ooh!
-Actually, uh, can you shoot me? -Quiet!
Someone tells me how to get to the edge of the Earth,
or a hostage dies every hour,
starting with the richest man in the world.
Wh… what about Bezos?
-He's the second-richest man. -Second?
Unless you've been lying.
Even though we are both wealthy enough
that the actual number is abstract and meaningless,
and anyone in their right mind would just pay their taxes,
I am, in fact, the richer man.
I accept my fate.
Brett, what are you doing?
If they kill Bezos, he won't be able to buy your boat.
Damn it, you beautiful, brave, simple man.
Glenn, it's now or never.
Almost there. Just a few more feet.
-Glenn? -Uh, we have a problem.
-What? -We're gonna need a bigger boat.
Damn it, I can't do this alone.
Darling, you had months to find a plus-one.
Mom, can you please stop telling me how to live my… life?
I need some kind of distraction
so I can fix the ship's radio and call for help.
-Can you guys help me out here? -Have you read The Secret?
We could try manifesting a little positivity.
Manifest my ass!
Will you two shut up?
If I wanted to listen to parents arguing,
I would've stayed in me and my mom's bedroom.
Actually, they won't shut up
unless you let my mom finish her wedding
and lock my dad in a room downstairs.
Ah shit.
Do that, and I will take you to the Earth's edge.
-Finally. All right, lock him up.
Lock all our Deep State friends up.
-Please be seated. We gather here again.
You okay, Bezos?
No! Thanks to Joffrey,
everyone thinks I'm the second-richest man in the world.
I've never been more humiliated.
Uh, he saved your life.
Well, his kindness is his weakness.
I'm buying your boat and renaming it
the SS Alexa Blue Origin Whole Foods Fresh.
Who wants an Echo Dot?
You did it. Attaboy, Joffrey.
And now for the exchange of the ring.
Oh no! I forgot the ring!
I'll be right back.
Harold, do me a favor and read Corinthians.
Um… Uh, oh.
"Love is patient, love is kind."
"It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud. It does not dishonor…"
Hello. What do people think is round but is actually flat?
Uh, the Earth.
No, your balls.
Okay, just patch this baby up, and everything will be back under control.
And then Tamiko says I never listen to her
because I'm only focused on negativity, chaos, and revenge.
Or something like that. I wasn't listening.
Let's fuck these pirates up. Who's with me?
What am I even doing with my life?
I work in a basement with a mushroom and a dolphin. What?
Where's the kid that wrote slam poetry?
I should've been a screenwriter. It's not that hard!
Eh, beats listening to this.
-We're in. -I am in as well.
Let's give these assholes a latitude adjustment.
Whoa! Whoa!
"…it is not easily angered--"
Stop. I can't do this.
The energy is all wrong.
-See you 'round.
Ha ha! Easy-peasy.
-Flat's all, folks!
Celebrate curves!
-Jeff, this is all fixable.
Screw that. Deal's off.
If I wanted a sinking ship, I'd buy another print newspaper.
Yippee ki-yay, mother-basement-dweller!
Guys, I'm in the sunken place!
There we go. Mayday, Mayday. We've been hijacked by pirates.
I've diffused the situation, but we're gonna need backup.
Roger that. We have received your transmission.
What are your coordinates?
Our coordinates are 40.3 north--
What the fuck?
I got ya, fucker!
Mom! Dad!
-Can't take your eyes off-- -Get off me!
-Oh my God. -Don't even look at me. You disgust me.
Congratulations. It's total fucking chaos. You know what, Mom?
I am taking your advice, and I am worrying about myself.
Have fun solving your own problems.
Time for my own me-rriage, dickwads.
Oh no, you don't.
Hold on--
-My flagella!
You're taking me to the edge of the Earth, one way or another.
-Look what you did.
Mother's coming to save you.
With what, veiled criticism?
Are you serious?
Are you serious?
Are you serious?
Are you serious?
Are you serious?
I'm serious. Drive.
He's serious.
I'm telling you, the Earth is not flat! I made the whole thing up.
You were gullible before. Why can't you be gullible now?
Brilliant, Rand. Taunt the man with the gun.
You got a better plan?
I had a plan, but you guys ruined it,
because all you ever do is hurt each other
and create a big ol' shitstorm that rains down on me.
So when do we get to the edge?
Soon. We just have to maintain our heading
of 140 degrees at 25 knots,
which are specific coordinates
that we are going to, Glenn-- I mean, Harold.
-We gotta help Reagan.
The radio's busted, the engine controls are shot. What can we do?
There was something I could have done, my duty.
-I can still hear Reagan's voice now.
Because she's talking into your headset, Glenn.
Again, our heading is 140 degrees at 25 knots.
Why is she going that way? That just leads them out to the open sea.
No, it doesn't.
-Sober Andre?
Guess again. I found a sweet teenth of psilocybin, and it just kicked in.
That was not yours to lick.
With Reagan's trajectory,
combined with a tailwind of…
…seven and a half knots,
she's taking them to the portal to the Hollow Earth!
Of course. She can't bring Harold to the edge of the Earth,
but she can make him think she is.
Andre, this is your brain on drugs.
Keep licking.
MI6. Got your Mayday.
Can we be of assistance?
Yes. I need a satellite phone, stat.
Cognito HQ. Open the Hollow Earth portal.
Wait! When the ocean water drains into the portal,
it'll create a whirlpool that will suck Reagan's boat in!
Swim to Reagan! Swim like the wind!
Sir, yes, sir.
Godspeed, you buoyant monstrosity.
Bruce Almighty.
Welcome to the edge of flat Earth.
It's true! It's really true!
-Take that, empirical evidence! -Uh-oh.
Uh, why are we drifting towards that huge waterfall?
Holy shit.
So tired. Must use ocean powers.
Seal Team Six, head southeast on the double!
Yes, sir!
Hang on!
Uh, Reagan, honey, time to go full throttle.
-Yes! Yes! Keep going.
I swear on my divorce lawyer's Maserati, I will not die next to this asshole!
Ah, you can make an abyss feel claustrophobic.
Will you shut up?
You made it to the edge, Harold. Yay! Let's go home.
Home? No way. I wanna keep going.
But you can't. It's the edge.
Yeah, and when you go over it,
it wraps around to the other side of the Earth like in Pac-Man.
Oh, I finally get to see Australia.
Oh Jesus Christ.
Harold, YouTube and Joe Rogan are lying for your money and attention.
Most conspiracies are just capitalism.
Reagan, you fulfilled my life's dream.
You don't have to come with me, but I'm going to a land down under.
Harold, wait. Listen, this is not the Earth's edge.
This is the portal to the Earth's core.
Remember the sea monsters on old maps?
They're down there!
Pfft! Okay, what do I look like, an idiot?
G'day, mate!
Don't feel bad, darling. He's in a better place now.
Yeah, you'd-- Come on, totally.
Mole people are like four feet tall. They'll treat him like he's a king.
Let's get out of here.
Just try not to fight on the ride back, okay?
It's the least you can do for making me miss my flight.
I'm sorry, Reagan.
Our uncoupling has been anything but conscious.
And I'm tired of being the bitter ex.
-Maybe it's time to bury the hatchet. -What do you mean?
We got our bride. We got a witness.
The sunset is perfect right now.
Tamiko, will you remarry me?
-No! No!
-No! Glenn!
Hey, wait--
Now that we took care of that, Mom, do you take you to be your bride,
to have and to hold, in sickness and in health
for as long as you… both shall live?
I do.
By the power vested in me by the Deep State,
I now pronounce you spiritually renewed.
You may kiss the you.
I hear you handled yourself quite famously with those pirates.
Are you interested in any other type of seaman?
Normally, that'd be a "hell no,"
but I have been inspired by my mom to say yes to me, for once.
And you have an accent.
The Coast Guard said they can tow your yacht in to shore.
I got a better plan. Look.
-Is that a kraken?
Hell yes.
I'm about to collect on my yacht insurance policy.
Hey, has anyone seen Jeff Bezos?
Is the fight over? Guys?
This is why I don't allow bathroom breaks!
I can't believe Jeff Bezos is dead,
and right in his prime.